Monday, June 25, 2007

The Last Comfest

So I ended up going to check out the Friday night selection of music at Comfest. I was pretty disappointed all around. The only saving grace for me was a stunning set by Val Glenn's Time and Temperature (I plan to put up a picture, but haven't uploaded it yet). I tried to see the Kyle Sowashes who performed right before her, but I accidentally missed them because I went to find some of the Columbus music compilations that were put out this year. Gotta keep up on the new music coming out over there. I finally located the band merch booth, noticed some of the comps were not free, or not there at all, didn't have any cash, and then returned to the Solar Stage just in time to see the Sowashes tearing down their gear. Crap.
One question I have for Comfest organizers to consider in 2008: Do people really need that much heavy metal? Everywhere I went on Friday all I could hear was some baffoon screaming at the top of his/her lungs over on the Main Stage and their annoying 80s-style guitar solos. Even some punk would have been nice. The shit was going on all night long. It's all you could hear from the other stages.
Besides, if Comfest is going to keep featuring bands that aren't even from Columbus, I can name dozens that would have made this festival more entertaining. I'm not even an indie rock nerd, I like all types of music.
As it is, Comfest 2007 was a snorefest. Glad-handing will get you nowhere, organizers...

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