Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This "shit" is jumping around, ain't it?

I love how this article links "shitgaze" as an end result of growing up in "shitholes" like the Midwest.
That said, a piece by NME marks your first international lumped recognition of what we affectionately call shitpop/shit-fi/Midwest Noise/etc...
Highlighted are several Midwest bands, making a "sound" that I have been trying to document on this site, in the overall Midwestern grand scheme of things, for the past year.
It's written by Ben Swank of Vice and it mentions of Times New Viking, Pink Reason, TV Ghost and Psychedelic Horseshit...


Anonymous said...

CA, have you been scooped, as they say?

Christopher Animalhead said...

If, by scooped, you mean that NME is much more respected a publication than PWAH, and that it is read by thousands of more people than PWAH - then yes.
I was totally scooped.