Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Columbus CRINGE

I was dutifully checking through my links, located on the right, when I read this on, left by site runner Joel. If you're not familiar, Cringe has been around for a looong time. It'll be cool to see it be re-vamped to something more streamlined:

State of the Site Address

Some of you may have noticed I took last week off. It was a holiday week and one of the last weeks before OSU gets back into full swing. Sure, I wanted a break. I also wanted to step back a bit as many major site changes may be on the way. It's somewhat timely that some critical comments related to the state of the site have come in during this downtime.
I realize, probably more than anyone, that Cringe is a large, old, ugly, confusing site. It's overgrown and exceeded its original organization, content, size, focus, and functionality many times over. Sometimes things have been neglected or orphaned to make room or time for other things. Sometimes things were quickly shoe-horned into place with little looking back. It's also lost pretty much all of the contributers over the years. It's become more a one man operation than it has ever been. In short, it's grown so much and so organically that any thought of reworking it is a hugely daunting task for one person to take on.
With that in mind, below are some major efforts with which I could use some help. Anything from suggestions and tips, to proofing and testing to designing, architecting and coding to editing, maintaining and moderating to writing, photographing and video taping could be in the mix. Just email me at if you're interested in helping with any of this notice

1. We're pretty close to maxing out the 80 GB dedicated server the site is currently using. I had a deal with the current host to lower the cost plus get more space. I'm not sure that's going to work out in the end, so a move might be in the works soon. It could be a move to really cheap, shared megahosting, but that might not be so dependable. Anyone with tips and connections to megahosting that might fit the bill, feel free to drop me an email -
2. The software the main site runs on has been in a really slow development cycle, but could finally see a major update this year. I'll likely upgrade Cringe shortly after that is finally released.
3. With that software back-end update, I think I'd like to redesign and reorganize the site. Yeah, far easier said than done. The architecture, organizing and integration of the main site, store and archives need major rethinking. I never really liked the current design look and feel, but went with what some regular visitors seemed to like at the time.
4. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, I'd like to open up the site more to you. It was never my intent to be the sole or even main contributer and in the beginning that wasn't the case. I'd like to move in the direction of facilitating and nurturing other people and sites that may need an outlet or to combine efforts and resources as they relate to local music here in Columbus.
Again, just email me at if you're interested in helping with any of this or if you think we might help each other. Heck, I could probably use help keeping track of and recruiting the help.

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